Week 3: Motion Practice Workshop, Let the Game’s Begin
Week 3: Motion Practice Workshop, Let the Game’s Begin
Julie Potts, University of Alabama, Birmingham Office

So far this summer, I’ve worked on a lot of different projects from various areas of law. I’ve really enjoyed all of the projects and the feedback I’ve gotten from the attorneys has been very helpful. This week, I got to draft my first official court document! It’s strange to think that something I’ve written will end up filed with a court, but my motion to compel is being reviewed by my mentor Fred Clarke right now, and then it will be ready to submit. I’m so excited to know that I’m doing real legal work that will have significance to real cases and clients.
Harris Blum, University of Miami, Miami Office

The pace accelerated last week, and I’m happy to be in a rhythm. In my second blog post, I discussed a hearing that partner Josh Lerner had in an ejectment case. After that hearing, the judge postponed the trial. The plaintiff then filed a motion for summary judgment. Should the judge grant that motion, she will enter an order evicting our client from their property—a harsh remedy, to say the least. Even with those being the stakes, Josh asked me to draft our response. The pressure is on! Partner Steve Smith also asked me to draft a motion for summary judgment in a complex construction defect case. I’ll have my work cut out for me over the next few weeks.
Adam Poe, Stetson University, Tampa Office

My favorite part of last week was the motion workshop where we argued either for or against a motion to compel arbitration. It was an interesting fact pattern with a closed universe of cases that allowed for creative arguing on both sides. This was a fun interactive activity that allowed us to showcase our skills and receive helpful feedback. For my motion, partner Allan Rotlewicz acted as judge and then gave us feedback. The opportunity to do things like this and receive advice from esteemed lawyers is what has made the summer with RumbergerKirk special so far.
Andres Chinchilla, University of Miami, Miami Office

To start the week, we received our materials for our motion practice workshop. The objective of this workshop was to test our critical thinking and oral advocacy skills. We were given a brief fact pattern involving a plaintiff’s negligence suit against their former employer, coupled with case law to support our positions. The issue at our mock hearing on Friday would be whether arbitration should be compelled under the employment agreement. I was assigned to represent the plaintiff. Initially, I skimmed through the materials just to get familiar with the issue, but as the mock hearing got closer preparation geared up. I prepared an outline of the facts with bullet points of specific rules I needed from the law to support my arguments. We were paired against fellow summer associates, and in my hearing I argued against the talented Julie Potts. She led with her argument, followed by my brief response and then partner Allan Rotlewicz served as the judge asking questions throughout. The experience was as fun as it was enlightening.
Elizabeth Pearce, Florida State University, Tallahassee Office

One of my favorite parts about working in my office is that the attorneys always let me attend their meetings. I get to sit in and learn a bit about whatever they may be discussing that day, whether it be litigation strategy or business management. The highlight of my week was on Friday morning, when I got to attend an employment law team marketing meeting. You don’t learn this in law school, but the business development side of a law firm is just as important as the legal work itself. This meeting was about how to get clients and maintain them. I really enjoyed learning about this side of working at a law firm. Moreover, the group had me laughing the entire time! They are a funny bunch of people and it was a bright start to my Friday morning. I can’t want to see what next week brings!
Meghan Kennedy, University of Florida, Orlando Office

You might notice that I have a different view in my photo this week. I was feeling under the weather and RumbergerKirk graciously allowed me to work at home. I must say…wow! What an IT department they have here! Within minutes, they had me set up with remote access and everything else I could possibly need to flourish while working from home. Nevertheless, I am eager to make my way back into the office. The ability to walk across the hall to your colleague’s office, bounce ideas off of them, develop relationships, and take advantage of mentorship is invaluable! I also missed Richard’s afternoon Cuban coffee, it is one of the things I look forward to every day.
Joseph Tracy, Florida State University, Orlando Office

Somehow, we are already done with our first three weeks as summer associates at Rumberger. I feel I have settled in a lot more and have learned new strategies to manage all the different cases I’m working on. In the last week alone, I worked on five completely different cases. I am so grateful to be getting all of this experience.
Graham Marcus, Stetson University, Orlando Office

I was excited to be able to attend my first hearing this week. As the hearing was held on Zoom, it was interesting to see first-hand the intersection between the legal system and technology. It is such a great opportunity to get experience with the processes now as I believe the new procedures and methods are here to stay!
Whereas, I was just a passive viewer for the hearing, I was an active participant for our motion practice workshop. This required all the summer associates to present a motion to a partner just like you would to a judge. But believe me…it was just as intimidating. However, we received great feedback that will definitely help us become much better advocates throughout our legal careers.