Prep for Mock Trial and Manage Assignments
Prep for Mock Trial and Manage Assignments

The past week was the first week of prep for the mock trial. Paris and I have practiced via zoom and on our own time. I must say, it is a lot of time and work on top of substantive assignments, but I am happy to be getting the experience. **Special shout out to all of my coaches and their feedback so far!** The case is interesting to say the least, but it is challenging to take on the role of both plaintiff and defendant. Instead of fully prepping for one side, I find I am always second-guessing myself and seeing a fact or an issue in a different light for the opposite side. Nonetheless, it keeps the process thought-provoking.
Aside from mock trial preparation, week eight was filled with many assignments. One of the tasks I completed was a motion to preclude the video testimony of a decedent from being introduced at trial for Mike Holt. The case was in the context of asbestos, and the decedent (former plaintiff) was never cross-examined by the defense. I also attended two hearings in a construction case with Albert Li, and completed research for the same case. Additionally, I completed various research projects for Josh Lerner, Monica Segura, and Robert Visca.
Friday after work, I had another practice with Suzanne Singer. At the practice, I worked on my cross-examinations for the mock trial. I am happy with the progress I’ve made, but I know I still have work to do. I spent a lot of my day on Sunday re-writing my opening, closing, and directs/crosses. I’m looking forward to fine-tuning my work over the next week and feeling more comfortable with the materials. Additionally, Scott Sarason will be in trial all week, which gives me the opportunity to go watch. It will be a great opportunity to learn oral advocacy skills in the wake of the mock trial.