
Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith

Fourth DCA Opines: When Insurance Policy Cancellation Requires Notification

In Svetlana Spielberg vs. Progressive Select Insurance Company, the Fourth District Court of Appeal confirmed...

Photo: Shutterstock/Andrey_Popov
Cyber & Technology

Third DCA Defines Scope of Duty for Security Services Contracts

When it comes to defining a security company’s obligations, words may speak louder than actions....

Photo: Africa
Cyber & Technology

What Can Marketers Learn from COVID-19 Privacy Considerations?

Contact-tracing during COVID-19 raises data privacy implications for restaurants.  It cannot be argued that COVID-19...

Cyber & Technology

General Data Protection Regulation: Should a Florida Business Care?

This article was originally published by the Orlando Business Journal on May 4, 2018. This...

Cyber & Technology

Clickwraps and Browsewraps Oh My! Terms of Online Vendor Agreements – Are They Enforceable?

Often times, in seeking to enforce a term or condition of an online transaction, such...

Cyber & Technology

Enforcing Browsewrap Agreements: Don’t Make the Fine Print Too Fine

“Reprinted with permission from the March 29, 2017 issue of Daily Business Review. ©2017 ALM...

Cyber & Technology

Fishing in a Digital Ocean: 1st DCA Rules Defense May Discover “All Data” on Decedent’s Cellphone

Florida’s First District Court of Appeal recently upheld a trial court order allowing Defendants’ expert...