Putting our Summer Associates to the Test: Mock Trial was a Huge Success
Putting our Summer Associates to the Test: Mock Trial was a Huge Success

Ten weeks of hard work and preparation for our summer associates culminated in the mock trial last week. Jessica Baik, Jeff Grosholz, Freddy Kasten and Michaela Kirn each did a great job advocating after spending their entire summer learning and preparing for it. From seminars and workshops to attending hearings, depositions and mediations, the associates were exposed to the daily tasks of trial attorneys while also prepping them with the skills they would need to successfully conduct the mock trial.
In the two weeks leading up to the mock trial, the summer associates spent hours reviewing the case and rehearsing with their co-counsel and coaches. Special thanks to Samantha Duke, Meredith Fee, Lindy Keown and David Marsey for serving as coaches this year. The two teams prepared both plaintiff and defense cases, helping them to consider the case from both points of view and analyze opposing counsel’s arguments, anticipate objections and better prepare their own arguments. While each summer associate has a coach, they also spent time with a number of RK associates and partners presenting arguments and getting feedback from multiple viewpoints. It was evident they worked hard and were prepared.