Firm News

Rumberger Celebrates Independence Day with Care Packages for Troops

Rumberger Celebrates Independence Day with Care Packages for Troops

Packages will reach Marines, Soldiers and Sailors on two U.S. warships and 6 units in Afghanistan

As our nation celebrates 238 years of independence this month, we will celebrate with fireworks, picnics and barbecues among our friends and family, while many of our nation’s men and women are abroad protecting the very thing we are celebrating.

“We shipped 75 boxes from Orlando and additional boxes from our Tallahassee, Tampa and Miami offices,” said Lisa Griffin, a legal assistant from the firm’s Orlando office. “It’s been our tradition to send comfort items and supplies that are difficult or expensive to get overseas,” she continued.

The packages are certain to bring smiles to the faces of recipients as they open them to find personal care items such as razors, shaving gel, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and baby wipes, which are often used in the place of a shower. Boxes also included snacks of all kinds, magazines and books, and coffee and drink mixes.

“We topped the boxes with red, white and blue bandanas, caps and leis. Of course, we also included personal notes written by students and seniors and also notes signed by RK personnel,” noted Lisa.

Lisa has coordinated the quarterly shipments since its inception nearly seven years ago. “We’ve built our list from many of our firm’s own personal connections with servicemen and service women including relatives and close friends who are deployed. Oftentimes, when returning home, the person will give us a name of someone who has taken his or her place for us to continue sending packages,” she explained.

“It’s heartwarming to know we can give some comfort to those who have given up so much to protect our freedom. It’s good for the troops and it’s good for us. Everybody wins,” she said.