Rumberger Participates in Circuit Breaker Challenge Benefiting Canine Companion for Independence
Rumberger Participates in Circuit Breaker Challenge Benefiting Canine Companion for Independence
On Saturday, May 9, 2015, RumbergerKirk participated in Workout 32789’s Circuit Breaker Challenge benefiting Canine Companion for Independence.

Canine Companion for Independence is a nonprofit organization that breeds and trains service dogs to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. It costs approximately $50,000 for each dog but they are given to the recipient FREE. The Rumberger participants in the Circuit Breaker Challenge started at Workout 32789 ‘s facility either walking or running continuing on through Hannibal Square and Park Avenue, stopping along the way at merchant sponsors to perform a set of exercises. All participants received an event t-shirt and swag bag full of sponsor goodies and a great workout as well! Over $7,000 was raised to benefit Canine Companion for Independence.