U.S. Army PFC Austin Story visits Rumberger's Orlando Office
U.S. Army PFC Austin Story visits Rumberger's Orlando Office
Rumberger’s Orlando office received a visitor on Monday, February 22, 2016…U.S. Army PFC Austin Story and his mother, Linda Story. When stationed in Afghanistan, Austin and his unit received troop packages from RK filled with daily necessities, snacks and other items of comfort along with hand written cards containing supportive messages.
Several RK staff members had lunch with Austin and Linda, listening to the young soldier’s stories about life in the military and serving overseas. Austin advised that receiving the packages made him very popular with his Unit. The guys posted the cards around their bunk house and enjoyed many of the snacks while they watched movies. He and his mother couldn’t say enough how much the support from the firm meant to them.
“You don’t realize how tough it is for soldiers until you hear the stories firsthand,” said Lisa Griffin, the firm’s coordinator of the Troop Package effort. “We love to hear from the troops who receive our packages, but to actually get to meet one in person is a real treat for us,” she said.
Austin will ship out again to another destination later this year, and will again be on the list to receive care packages from RK.