So Long Eric, Until the Mock Trial
So Long Eric, Until the Mock Trial
Five weeks completed already, time is going by extremely fast. This was Eric and mine’s last week together at the Orlando office. We have been working on a few assignments together so we made sure that we were on the same page moving into this last week, so he would be able to get a brand new fresh start at the Birmingham office.
On Monday, Sally Culley needed some research done regarding what is considered a short and plain statement, specifically looking at complaints that are outside the scope of short and plain statement. It took a while to find what I was looking for, but after sitting with Sally, I was able to figure out what search terms were needed then I was able to hit the ground running.
The highlight of Tuesday for me was the Multicultural Food Festival that we have at work. I was able to see the different places people are from, and I was able to try a lot of dishes that I hadn’t tried before. I think that is a really interesting way to get people’s cultures to come together because food is generally a special area in any culture. Seeing people take pride in preparing their dishes was a great experience. Maybe next year I hope to bring something special from St. Louis, but we will see.

On Wednesday, I worked on some punitive damages research for Dan Gerber who had mediation the following day. That evening, Eric and I, along with Kaye, Angela and several other attorneys went to Top Golf for about two hours. I am absolutely terrible at Top Golf so I always aimed for the first marker at the middle in the front. But because of that, I did rack up 12 points by getting 3 points each time I hit it. After that, I retired and just watched everyone else hit the ball across the field (I don’t golf so if I use incorrect terminology sorry). But the highlight of the evening was when Shenele Pettis Bright kept hitting on Eric’s turn by accident. She gave him a few points though so I know he didn’t mind. The food was amazing, and the weather was a little on the hot side but it wasn’t too bad because it was the evening. Overall, this day was the highlight of the week.
On Thursday, I worked on finishing a few assignments including a Motion to Dismiss or Alternative Motion for Summary judgment for Robert Barton. It wasn’t too lengthy and I was really revising my previously drafted Motion to Dismiss that I had written weeks earlier. But being able to produce substantive work is really beneficial to my writing skills and style. That evening, we had a happy hour for Eric where a few of us met in the Boardroom for an hour.
The majority of my day on Friday was dedicated to addressing a draft for a reply brief to affirm Summary Judgement for Brad Davis. It is a lengthy project but very interesting. The issue is centered on fraudulent transfers between father and son so to be able to provide insight on a reply brief gives me great satisfaction. Around lunch time, Patrick Delaney wanted me to draft a Motion asking for more time to file an answer which was pretty simple and straight forward. After that, I worked on my Direct and Cross Examination workshop that we have Monday afternoon. It doesn’t seem like five weeks have passed, but I am excited to be that much closer to the Mock Trial to show what I have been learning.