Rumberger Staff Shares Holiday Spirit with Military Personnel
Rumberger Staff Shares Holiday Spirit with Military Personnel

“While some of the troops have Internet access, many don’t, so magazines, books and games are always a big hit. We always include the staples our troops look forward to receiving, such as socks, shave gear, personal hygiene items, coffee and snacks, but we wanted to make this shipment extra special. It’s tough being away from home during the holidays, each box has a very personal touch. Along with the stockings, we included Santa hats, candy canes and cards made by children as well as cards from our staff.” Lisa explains that they have identified point people and send each one several boxes. These people then share the supplies with many others.
Frank Sheppard, Managing Partner of Rumberger, shared his pride, not only in the firm’s staff, but also the men and women who serve to keep America safe. “The world continues to become more dangerous and more complex. We rely on the men and women in the military to keep our families safe and, at the same time, we recognize the great risks they face. The many notes of thanks that we receive are great and we’re glad that we’ve found a way to do something meaningful that our troops appreciate.”
Feedback from our military personnel …
“I received 12 Christmas care packages yesterday! Wow!
I grabbed a couple of folks and we walked around and played Santa handing out goodies and letting people dig through the boxes and find things to their liking. It brightened everyone’s day around here. Around the holidays there is an edgy uncertainty in everyone – people are sometimes afraid to say how much they wish they were home with their families. So, when we get gifts like these everyone overflows with excitement.”
Many thanks,
“I would like to thank you all for your lovely care boxes. When my shop saw that I was carrying six boxes, they were very excited and curious on who sent them, needless to say they were very jealous, but thankful when i shared with them. Thank you for the lovely cards it gave us a smile. Again thank you for your support during these trouble times when we are not with our loved ones during the holidays.”
SSgt Yusko, Parker
“Thanks so much for all the boxes. We were surprised when we got five in one day, and even more surprised when we got more a couple days later. We managed to distribute three of the boxes to our fabulous Marines, one to the guys who help keep the office clean, and the others we added to our snack stash. We truly appreciate the thoughtfulness, and the efforts you all make to help us feel more at home.”
James F. Walsh, Jr.
Supervisory Special Agent, FBI/ALAT/Baghdad
“Recently, Lieutenant Bobby Long received a number of care packages from RumbergerKirk. After generously sharing the bounty, I wanted to express appreciation on behalf of the entire unit for the support. From the food, socks, and Orlando magnets (which as a fellow Floridian, I enjoy using to annoy rival sports-team fans), we have truly enjoyed the gifts and support you provided. With us being far away from home this holiday season, it is gifts like these that raise our spirits.”
Captain Andrew Proyect