Beyond the Bio

Erin Weinstock Offers Tips for Preparing for the Bar Exam

Erin Weinstock Offers Tips for Preparing for the Bar Exam

Miami attorney Erin Weinstock shared her suggestions for best practices when studying to take the Florida Bar exam with the Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism’s “Pro Tip Tuesday” series. Her tips:

  1. Don’t let studying consume your life. Make studying a 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. job. Eight to nine hours a day is plenty of time to prepare and then take the time afterwards to unwind.
  2. Get plenty of sleep
  3. Eat a proper diet
  4. Take walks & exercise
  5. Study at your own pace-you really want to be sure you understand what you are studying, so if you need more time in an area, take it.
  6. Practice, practice, practice – test taking skills are easily as important as knowing the material.
  7. Turn off your phone or leave it in another room in order to stay focused while studying.
  8. Remember, it is just an exam and it does not define who you are. Be proud for what you have accomplished, no matter what happens.

Watch the video to learn more from Erin or see other pro-tips.