Beyond the Bio

UF Honors RK Founder: Fellowship to Further Environmental Protection

UF Honors RK Founder: Fellowship to Further Environmental Protection

In honor of the firm’s founding partner, Thom Rumberger, who passed away September 2011, and in honor of his extraordinary work on the Save the Everglades campaign and for the Everglades Foundation, the University of Florida through the Center for Governmental Responsibility, has set up The E. Thom Rumberger Everglades Foundation Fellowship Program. The Fellowship will support law school graduate fellows who will work with the Center for study and research in the areas of environmental law and public policy in partnership with the Everglades Foundation.

UF Rumberger E-vite HeaderThom was so passionate about preserving our environment, and it is only fitting to his legacy to provide the opportunity for others to continue this cause for which he fought – to further extremely important environmental goals, not just for the State of Florida, but also for the federally protected Everglades and other areas of environmental importance.

RumbergerKirk and the Everglades Foundation have each contributed significantly towards the endowment.

If you wish to make a donation to the Fellowship online, you may do so here.