This Monday morning started off a bit differently than the rest. Rather than heading to the office, I headed to a Sarasota courthouse to watch a trial! This was a criminal trial, so it was a bit of a change-up from all of the civil work that I had been doing this summer. Although the trial ended up not going forward that day, I had the opportunity to watch a couple of hearings, and it was nice to be able to watch in person. When I got back to the office, I did a quick research project for one of the associates, then spent the rest of the day working on some assignments – like speaking with expert witnesses!

On Wednesday, I spent some time finalizing a joint Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Dismiss for fraud and then continued to work on some new research projects that I had been given regarding depositions. I also took some time throughout the day to review materials that the summer associates were given in preparation for a deposition workshop that we are completing next week. I have never done a mock deposition, so I am definitely curious to see how that goes!
It was a short week as the office was closed on Thursday in observation of Independence Day. I returned to the office on Friday and enjoyed the calm and quiet vibes as I spent the day working to complete some motions for summary judgment. It was a great way to end the week before heading into a very packed schedule for next week!