This week flew by because of the Fourth of July holiday on Tuesday. Monday was a quiet day at the office with lots of people from the firm taking a long weekend, but that made it easier to get some assignments completed. On Wednesday, after everyone was back from the holiday, the office became really busy because of the renovations the firm is doing. My side of the office started seeing the attorneys and staff from the other side of the office much more since essentially half of the offices are closed for renovations and everyone is moving around to accommodate.
We had a workshop on Thursday to practice direct and cross-examinations. The workshop ran long because we all received so much feedback, but the feedback was very helpful and constructive. While it was fun to try doing a direct and cross-examination for the first time, it was also difficult because I’ve never done anything like it.
On Friday, I attended a deal closing for one of Brad Davis’ cases. It was really interesting to see how both the buying and selling parties interacted with each other and all of the different documents they had to read and sign in order to make the deal successful. At one point, there was an issue and Brad had to get in contact with the financing bank, but once it was resolved the deal finished smoothly. Both parties talked a lot with each other, and me, which made the whole experience more interesting and fun since they all seemed to be very excited to close the deal.