Although it was a short week due to Memorial Day, it was filled with important information. Tuesday and Wednesday felt like a blur—in the best way—with all of the orientation activities we had. Breakfast in the conference room with the entire office was a fantastic way to start the summer and meet lots of people. Dinner Tuesday night at The Hall on the Yard with the other summer associates and some of the other associates was great. The food was delicious and we all had a great time getting to know one another. By Wednesday afternoon, I already had my first assignment from my mentor, associate Sara Kallop. It’s been an interesting defamation case to work on since I’m learning a lot as I research.
On Thursday, I listened and took notes for a phone call Frank Sheppard, the firm’s managing partner, had for one of his cases where he is an independent investigator. It was really interesting to hear how he spoke to one of the parties to the litigation. Friday morning, Nicholas and I went to watch opening statements at the Orange County Court House for a product liability case that partner Steve Klein is working on. It was so interesting to watch both sides give their openings and observe the jury’s reactions throughout. Afterwards, we had a happy hour in the reception area back at the office which was a wonderful way to end the work week. Saturday, Sara hosted a party at her house for the associates and summer associates where I had a wonderful time getting to know more people while enjoying delicious food.
The first week flew by with all of the great activities and events I went to and the interesting assignments that I get to work on now. Everyone has been extremely helpful and welcoming, and it’s good to know that all of the doors outside my office are open (literally) if I ever have any questions.