The second week of work flew by faster than the first—if that continues, then August will feel like yesterday.
My week was frontloaded with plenty of work, especially on an exciting defamation case. After some surprising developments with the case, however, my work came to a stop. Although I was a sad to have to put a pause on that work for now, I was met with plenty of other assignments.

I began working on my first motion to dismiss for associate Katie Chomin and partner LaShawnda Jackson. It started off a little slow since it was my first one, but after I came back to it the next day I felt I was getting the hang of it. I also sat in for the first half hour of a deposition that LaShawnda was taking. It was a delight to have the opportunity to watch her engage with a witness in a deposition. It was also perfect timing because we had just had our Deposition Seminar the day before with Tallahassee partner David Marsey. The seminar was insightful and the assignment we received seemed exciting.
I also received an interesting research assignment on spoliation of evidence from partner Samantha Duke. The facts of the case make the research complicated—it almost feels like a law school exam hypothetical—but I have begun to find some useful cases. On Thursday, Nick and I got lunch at Solitas down the street from the office which was suggested by associate Devin Topper. It was an incredible suggestion. While we were there, we ran into partner Sally Culley who mentioned we should have an office dinner and happy hour there sometime, which Nick and I agreed.
Finally, the week ended with our Deposition Workshop. It was a lot of fun to feel what a deposition is like for the first time. We were given about seven and a half minutes each and the minutes flew by.